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5.1.5 MIDI Events

The procedures described here provide some conveniences around working with MIDI. They are contained in the module ‘(librekontrol midi)’.

Enumeration: notes

MIDI notes are defined as an enumeration. They range from C-0 (value 0) to F#-11 (value 127). The notes are referred to by symbols such as note-d3 or note-f#5, which reflect the specific note (here, D or F#) and the octave (here 3 or 5).

Function: note->number note

Convert symbol note into its associated numeric value between 0 and 127.

Enumeration: controls

Likewise, MIDI controls are defined as an enumeration set between 0 and 127.

Function: control->number control

Convert symbol control into its associated numeric value between 0 and 127.